It has been a long time since I have posted a blog. I would like to say that I don't know why it is so hard for me to stay consistent but I believe God pointed out to me today that it is because I have a hard time staying consistent in my relationship with Him. I am easily distracted by the things of this world. Even the good things are a distraction that pulls me away from Him as my first priority. Recently, my Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) teaching leader encouraged us to wake up each morning and ask The Lord to guide our steps.
Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand. Proverbs 19:21
I took that challenge and have asks the Lord to direct my steps for a little over a week now. I have noticed that I have had more time with Him. I have been able to accomplish more and been less distracted by worthless endeavors. This morning I was reminded that I have neglected this blog! Please pray that I will continue to ask God to order my steps and will be obedient to His guidance.
Today I want to share about a page that we did regarding freedom from things. The Lord's desire is to free us from the slavery of sin. He shines light on our sins slowly as we can handle it. If you have been following Him for a while you realize that you may have felt like you were a good person when you first met the Lord. We compare ourselves to others and we feel like we are pretty good. As you spend time with the Lord He reveals our sins to us and helps us to release the hold that those sins have on us. Without the Lord we are in darkness and are unable to recognize our sins. Thankfully He does not shine that light on all our sins at once or we would be overwhelmed and we have many sins that we struggle with for a while as He is refining us. He doesn't just point them out and then poof they are gone.
One of the sins that I have struggled with for some time is "food focus". I am not sure exactly how to describe it except to say that I really like food. I enjoy making it, I enjoy trying new restaurants,I enjoy sharing it with others. These things in themselves are not a bad thing. My struggle since young adulthood has been focusing on what the next meal will be, eating when I am not hungry, baking just to eat the surgery yumminess and then trying to see how I can get it out of my house so that I do not gain 100 lbs, prioritizing food over others and God. I could go on and on. I thought initially that my issue was with my weight and that I was predestined to be bigger than others. I was really thin as a teen so that was obviously a lie straight from the devil. :) Over the years God pointed out to me that my struggle with weight was a struggle with sin. It was a difficult truth to grasp. It is easier to think that it is in my genes, other people can eat worse and remain thin, its not fair.........blah blah blah
God has been refining me over the last 10 years and I still struggle. Sometimes my struggle turns into prioritizing working out over God. In the past several years I have learned that my struggle with weight is actually a blessing. As I get older I feel as if I am getting stronger and healthier. I do not take any medication or have any health issues. If I had not struggled with my weight I would not have learned to enjoy healthy food and working out. I am able to be more active and adventurous and enjoy God's creation more fully. I am able to recognize when I get out of balance with my food and exercise. During the holidays is hard because I do love to make sweets and eat them.😋 I am not even close to perfect even in this one little area of my life but God is working on me and I am forever grateful for that! I can't imagine what life would be like if God was not working on me and how oblivious I would be to my sinful nature.
As I was doing my study this morning I was struck by the miracle in John 9 about the blind man who Jesus healed. 3“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. I realized that God gives us freedom from our sins not only for our good and the refining of us but for His glory. This is something that I have known but it struck me differently this morning. As I am released from my struggle with food and weight have I glorified God? Am I being selfish in my blessings or am I sharing them with others so that others are clearly able to see how God has worked in my life and how He has blessed me? How do I glorify God through this? He has given me an opportunity to bless others, to join Him in His work, to glorify Him as all Glory is His. Have I taken that opportunity or wasted it?
God Bless.
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