Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Hey all.  I feel like I don’t have a lot to say this week but I didn’t want to skip because that could lead to me missing several weeks in a row.  It is a slippery slope. J 

The reason I don’t feel like I have much to say this week is because for the last week I have really neglected my relationship with the Lord.  I could tell you because it is Spring Break and there is a lot going on and maybe that is part of it.  But there is never a good reason to neglect my relationship with the God who created me and the Savoir who redeemed me.  I have had time to work out, to walk the dog, to search pinterest for landscaping ideas…..  My actions seem to indicate that I value my fitness, my backyard project, and my dog more that I value the one and only Lord of my life.  That doesn’t even make sense.  Yet I do this all the time.

It is not that I haven’t prayed.  I have had time to ask the Lord to watch over my son who is camping with a bunch of buddies and to ask Him to help my daughter and her boyfriend with their internships for the summer.  I have taken the time to thank Him for the wonderful blessings He has provided.  This seems similar though to what it would be like if my son came and asked me for money to do things, or new cloths, or gas for his car and was appreciative of it but never took the time to actually talk to me or find out what was going on in my life.  That does not a relationship make.

This Sunday our youth pastor gave a sermon on 1 Samuel 15.  He is an amazing speaker and is so passionate about the Lord.  One of the things that struck me the most about his sermon was that we are so bothered, and disturbed by the fact that God required Saul to kill an entire group of people, children included, who hated the Lord but we are not as bothered by the fact that God offered up His own son in death; a son who loved Him and died for us.  Why is that?

My husband and I have recently started watching a series on Netflix or Hulu called Departures. 

This show is great.  It is about two guys + the cameraman who took a year to travel to different places around the world and document it.  Last night we watched the episode where they travel to Cambodia.  In one portion of it they visited a far away village and got the opportunity to experience a tribal ritual that only takes place ever 4 years.  The people were singing and celebrating and there was a large cow tied up in the center of the circle.  At the end of the celebration the cow was hacked to death with a machete and beaten with a large stick over the head and then they cut him up and ate him.  I couldn’t even watch.  I could see it coming and had to close my eyes.  Even the sound of it still bothers me.  But somehow I can hear of Jesus dying for my sins on the cross and not be brought to tears or bothered to spend a few minutes with Him each day.   How can that be?

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