This year I have been studying the book of Revelations. It is a book that I think many of us, including myself, avoid. It's a hard book to study and a hard book to read. Going through the study of Revelations with Bible Study Fellowship ( I have been able to see that it is not only about the end of times but it also is about God's grace, patience and mercy. He desires all of His people to come to Him and enjoy everlasting life, not the judgement and death that we deserve.
I have been blessed by God in so many ways. He has given me wisdom and guidance in my life. He has helped me recognize my sin and my drifting from him. He has helped me get back on track and come back to Him. He has helped me work on many issues that I struggle with as I fall back into sin. He has not done this primarily so that I may be a better person, nor has He done this so that I could be comfortable and safe and make good decisions. He desires me to share what He has done in my life so that others may believe and share in the joy of dependance on Him. He does not need me to save others. HE IS OUR SALVATION!! He can, however, use me to shine His light into the lives of others. I am thankful that he can use me. He can use me best if I know Him, if I spend time with Him, if I am obedient to Him.
Bible Study is a means to get to know Him but it should not be the only time I spend with Him. I need to spend time with Him in prayer and in meditation. Often I waste my time on so many other stupid things that I push time with my creator out of my life. Is checking Facebook or email more important than God? NO Is running errands more important than God? NO Is watching TV more important than God? NO Is catching up with friends more important than God? NO How can I let all these things that are so unimportant in comparison with God crowd out my time with Him? I have to ask Him to help me prioritize.
As we look at the year ahead I would encourage you to ask yourself a few questions about your relationship with Christ. I will be!
- Are you spending quality time with the Lord?
- Are you desiring to know Him better or are you just checking Him off your list of things to do?
- Are you studying His word in order to better understand Him and His Word?
- Are you available for Him to use or are you working on your own agenda?
- Are you listening to the wisdom He is offering you or do you depend on your own knowledge or the wisdom of those around you?
- What do you plan to do differently this year so that you can deepen your relationship with the Lord and benefit from His wisdom and love?
Matthew 6:33 Seek first His kingdom and righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.
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